Side-Effects of a Low-Carb Diet
The low-carb diet is the current fad, and there is no end to the number of positive outcomes this concept promises. Weight loss, blood sugar regulation, and better metabolism are only a few to name. But a lot of people, overwhelmed by the tall claims, fail to understand how important a nutrient for the body, carbohydrate is; it’s just as much important as vitamins, minerals, fats and proteins are for the optimal functioning of vital organs. In fact, it acts as the source from which the body derives energy for carrying out day-to-day activities.
Going on a low-carb diet may have both permanent and temporary side-effects. Below, we have dished out some of the most unpleasant after-effects of being on a low-carb diet:
- Increased Hunger: An obvious side-effect would be that you won’t be able to curb your hunger pangs. A low-carb diet means you will have to eliminate a lot of what you used to eat- Bread, pizzas, potatoes, rice, and sugar sweetened syrups are all going out of your kitchen, once and for all. In such a scenario, your body will not be able to adapt fast to the new amount of carb intake. Resultantly, you will find your stomach growling almost all the time. These hunger pangs are potentially harmless as long as you would control your desire to eat, but people with low will power will simply give in.
- Indigestion: A low-carb diet can make your digestion go haywire. A person on this diet is likely to take a lot of protein-rich food including fish, meat, and eggs. What happens as a result is that the intake of plant-based fiber reduces considerably. A low fiber diet, in turn, causes digestive issues such as bloating and constipation. Also, if your diet is heavy on dairy products, there is no reason why you shouldn’t feel bloated. So, a low-carb diet can seriously put your digestive system into trouble.
- Keto Flu: Being on a diet too low on carbs can make you suffer from something called Keto flu. Well, it’s not the routine flu where a runny nose and an aching head bother you. It’s a flu that results when your body assumes a metabolic state in which energy is derived from ketone bodies in the blood, rather than from sugar molecules generated through the process of glycolysis. What set this flu apart from other more common flu varieties are the symptoms. A person afflicted with Keto flu experiences extreme weakness in the muscles and fatigue.
- Fast Heartbeat: One of the most common side-effects of going on a low carb diet is heart palpitations. Although, this is a temporary symptom, the feeling of having your heart pounding for no reason can be frustrating.
- Mouth Odor: A lot of people on this diet also complain of bad breath. So, if you are someone who would hate to have a foul smelling breath, think twice before embarking on a low-carb diet.
- Weariness: Your physical performance dips, significantly. And if you are an exercise freak, you might have to put off your exercise sessions till your body gets accustomed to the new diet.
- Frequent Urination: Increased urination is also common among people on a low carb diet. This may not sound very profound but in reality, constantly visiting the washroom can be pretty stressful.
- Cramps: Having severe leg cramps can make your life miserable, especially if you have started your low-carb regime, recently. This happens because increased urination causes a loss of important minerals from the body.
Although, you are not likely to expose yourself to a host of serious health conditions with a little cut down in the carb intake; a drastic and heavy fall in the intake could pose serious health hazards.
A low-carb diet indeed may look like the last resort when everything else fails to help you lose weight. How light you initially feel when you start eating less carb-rich food might make you fall for this trend but it’s never a good idea to deprive your body of a nutrient as important and fundamental as carbohydrate. Serious repercussions are certain in the long run!
The Positive Aspects And Side Effects Of A Low Carb Diet
One of the popular diets for weight loss in this day and age is still the Low Carb Diet. Various individuals follow this type of diet because it is generally very easy to follow. It mainly is based on restricting carbohydrate intake. In the beginning, the person on the diet may experience cravings for carbohydrates but this will soon subside, resulting in eating less and losing weight. However, this type of diet is associated with much controversy. For this reason, it is best to find out whether the positive aspects of the diet outweigh the negative side effects.
The Rewards
The low carb diets are able to bring about a number of benefits to the individual. Some of the positive effects have undergone extensive scientific testing. Some of these effects include some of the following:
•Weight loss
•Lowered blood pressure
•Lowered blood glucose which is good for pre-diabetics and diabetics
•A decrease in the blood-insulin levels
The Side Effects Of Low Carb Dieting
When it comes to the side effects it is not meant to discourage individuals from following such a diet but to rather give the necessary information needed. Knowing about the downside of these diets will assist individuals in making the decision on whether to use these diets. The side effects of the low carbohydrate diets can include:
•Bad breath
•Appetite loss
Many people are under the impression that a low carbohydrate diet is a proven recipe to lose weight fast. There may be some truth to the initial weight loss, however, this loss is more to do with the amount of muscle tissue and water lost and not actually fat. The reason for this is that the body needs carbohydrates to function properly and when carbohydrates are eliminated from the diet, the body does not only turn to fat as a source of energy but also uses the muscle tissue to derive energy. In many cases when people are finished with a low carb diet they will end up binging on carbs.
Other Side Effects
Choosing the low-carb diets will often mean that the person will urinate more often than usual. With this excessive fluid loss, the person risks losing valuable minerals like magnesium and sodium. The effects of this particular issue are usually associated with a “racing” heart rate and muscle cramps. For this reason, it is important that the dieter ensures that they are obtaining sufficient electrolytes and should stop the diet if any of these symptom types persist.
In more rare cases, the low-carb diets are linked with kidney stones, typically due to the excessive protein intake which is to do with inadequate intake of fluids. Certain people on the extremely low carbohydrate diets can experience a dysfunction in their thyroid hormones. Insulin is a hormone that is used to assist with the conversion of T4 the thyroid hormone which is more inactive when compared to the active hormone T3. Production of insulin is low on the low-carb diets which mean the individual can experience hypothyroid symptoms that include sluggishness and intolerance to the cold.