About Us

AllSugar-Free.com is a website with low carb product and diet reviews that are personally reviewed by me.

bill-boston-seoMy name is Bill Smith and I have been using a low carb diet to control my weight for over 20 years. I have tried many diet and exercise programs over the past 20 years but eating a low carb diet has always got me the best results. I know the low carb lifestyle can be boring so I am always looking for new foods, recipes and products that can help us keep on track with our low carb diet plans.

I am a father of 3 with ages ranging from 5 to 18 and work part time as an online marketer. I believe that the best way to help people find great stuff online is with real reviews and real value. I also run an SEO consulting agency which helps companies get more exposure for their businesses online.

I am starting a new journey with low carb dieting and I’m ready to get back on track and get back to my high school weight. Being 45 years old I have also lost some muscle mass over the years and I’m looking forward to gaining back a lot of that. I’m trying to keep this fun and interesting so I will be testing out new products and systems that come available.